Tree Donations, Pollinators, and Greenhouse Retrofitting: Winter Projects & Preparations for Spring


You may have seen this on our product labels before: for each product sold, we donate a tree to be planted. We call it our One-For-One program, and it’s our way of giving back, and offsetting our carbon footprint. Some of these trees are planted in other states, or go to specific projects around [...]

Tree Donations, Pollinators, and Greenhouse Retrofitting: Winter Projects & Preparations for Spring2023-04-11T15:07:50-04:00

MCT as a Carrier Oil for CBD: Why We Choose MCT


If you’ve used our CBD hemp oil, you know that we use MCT oil as a carrier for our full spectrum hemp concentrate. Maybe you’ve even used MCT oil on its own in a shake, smoothie, or your bulletproof coffee. But why is it so great, and why did we choose it over all [...]

MCT as a Carrier Oil for CBD: Why We Choose MCT2023-04-11T15:07:53-04:00

What is Bioavailability? An Overview of CBD Delivery Methods


If you’ve been using hemp products for a while, you may have heard the term “bioavailability” thrown around. But there’s a lot to talk about when it comes to this topic, so let’s dive in. The dictionary defines bioavailability as “the proportion of a drug or other substance which enters the circulation when introduced [...]

What is Bioavailability? An Overview of CBD Delivery Methods2023-04-11T15:07:53-04:00

3 Professional Athletes Who Use CBD


At GRB we love to hear about how and when people use hemp products to enhance their lifestyles. Lots of people we talk to use CBD to help them relax, sleep, or deal with anxiety and pain. But recently we started reading up on some athletes who use hemp to recover from workouts and [...]

3 Professional Athletes Who Use CBD2023-04-11T15:07:54-04:00

3 Ways CBD Can Support A Healthy Lifestyle


Happy New Year! As we welcome a new year and a new decade, many of you will have made resolutions and set intentions for the future. According to the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, approximately 55% of New Year’s resolutions are health-related. Another surprising finding comes from research conducted by Strata, a social network [...]

3 Ways CBD Can Support A Healthy Lifestyle2023-04-11T15:07:54-04:00

How to Wrap Up Christmas: Disposing of your Christmas Tree, Wrapping Paper, and More


As the holiday season comes to a close and we look toward the new year, there’s often a lot of clean up to do. The Christmas tree has to go, and there’s wrapping paper to be thrown out. At GRB we’re not just passionate about hemp- we’re passionate about being good stewards of the [...]

How to Wrap Up Christmas: Disposing of your Christmas Tree, Wrapping Paper, and More2023-04-11T15:07:54-04:00

The Importance of Lab Testing for CBD Hemp Products: 3 Reasons to Ask for Lab Results


There are currently no requirements for lab testing in the CBD business, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important. There are thousands of products out there being marketed as high quality hemp, but how do you know for sure? Here are 3 reasons we believe lab testing is key when choosing between hemp oils, [...]

The Importance of Lab Testing for CBD Hemp Products: 3 Reasons to Ask for Lab Results2023-04-11T15:07:55-04:00

CBD Dosage: How Much Should I Take?


This week we’d like to answer another one of those common questions we get from new customers and hemp aficionados alike- “how much should I be taking?”  Sometimes people have been using hemp products without seeing the desired results (check out our article about that) and sometimes they’re brand new to hemp and need [...]

CBD Dosage: How Much Should I Take?2023-04-11T15:07:55-04:00

Ingredients Matter- A Breakdown of our Salve Ingredients and Their Common Uses


In a previous post we talked all about the Baraka Shea Butter in our hemp salve, and a few people were curious about the other ingredients. Of course they’re listed on our site, but it’s always good to know the value and purpose of each one if possible. So we’ve put together a little [...]

Ingredients Matter- A Breakdown of our Salve Ingredients and Their Common Uses2023-04-11T15:07:56-04:00

What’s the Difference Between CBD and Hemp Oil? 3 Things You Need to Know


One of the most common questions we’re hearing lately is, “What’s the difference between CBD and Hemp Oil?” So we wanted to write a little about this to clear up some of the confusion. Here are a few things to be aware of when it comes to CBD, Hemp Oil, and other similarly labeled [...]

What’s the Difference Between CBD and Hemp Oil? 3 Things You Need to Know2023-04-11T15:07:56-04:00
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